Sentinel-1 vs Radarsat-2 satellites for Earth Observation

December 02, 2021


Satellite technology is essential in modern Earth Observation, providing us with accurate data about our planet's health, climate, and mapping. Two of the most prominent players in this field are the Sentinel-1 and Radarsat-2 satellites. In this blog post, we will provide a factual, unbiased comparison of these two satellites.


Sentinel-1 is a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite launched in 2014, providing all-weather, day and night radar imagery for various applications. Its advanced technology allows the satellite to detect changes in land, ice, and ocean surfaces with high accuracy.

One of the main advantages of Sentinel-1 is its ability to provide continuous coverage, thanks to its large swath width of up to 400 km. With its C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Sentinel-1 can detect even minor changes in the Earth's surface, making it useful for monitoring natural disasters, ice monitoring, and vessel monitoring.


Radarsat-2, launched by the Canadian Space Agency in 2007, is a synthetic aperture radar satellite capable of all-weather observation of the Earth's surface. Its design also allows for high-resolution imagery and coverage of areas located within the Arctic, providing crucial information for environmental monitoring.

Radarsat-2 has four imaging modes, including the standard fine and ultra-fine modes, which provide spatial resolutions of 3 and 1 meter, respectively. It can detect and monitor changes in the Earth's surface, such as oil slicks, icebergs, and natural disasters.


In terms of coverage, Sentinel-1 has a larger swath width, allowing for a more comprehensive view of the Earth's surface. However, Radarsat-2 has a higher spatial resolution, which may be more suitable for applications requiring greater detail, such as disaster management and mapping.

Another aspect to consider is the cost of the data. Sentinel-1 provides open data, meaning that it is available to anyone for non-commercial use. In contrast, Radarsat-2 data is subject to licensing fees, which may be a limiting factor for some users.

Here's a table summarizing the main differences between Sentinel-1 and Radarsat-2:

Satellite Coverage Spatial resolution Data access
Sentinel-1 400 km Up to 10 meters Open data
Radarsat-2 Up to 5000 km Up to 1 meter Licensing fees


Both Sentinel-1 and Radarsat-2 are high-performing satellites, with their respective advantages and disadvantages. When selecting a satellite for your Earth Observation applications, it is essential to consider your specific needs, such as desired spatial resolution and coverage area.

Nonetheless, both satellites have proven to be suitable for various applications, from disaster management to environmental monitoring. With their cutting-edge technology, they demonstrate the significance of satellite technology in furthering our understanding of planet Earth.


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